
From Hanoi To Barcelona By Minsk

This is the story of 3 guys from Llavaneres Barcelona (Catalonia). They went from Hanoi to Barcelona on the motos that they buy just there. It makes me feel that I'm not using my time so fine...

They start the "moto-tour" at Philippines, recording from the air

In India, they spend a month waiting for the motos.

In Italy they found a Ferrari Meeting. When they said they came from Hanoi, they went the firsts on the road.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hi Edgar!

Thank you very very much, we are really proud about your post! By the way, the Ferrari meeting was with the "Ferrari Club Vignola" maybe your cousin Marco knows them... ;)

How small is the world! Salut!

Edgar Wallace dijo...

Eis! Gràcies a vosaltres, es increible el que vau fer, sou els meus ídols. Jo vaig passar per Vignola! Vaig estar un any vivint a Milà i vaig conèixer gent de Módena i de Bologna. Mon cosí es de Sardegna, us la recomano per fer un tour, son les millors platges del món, si no hi ha turistes això sí.