
Oktober Fest

Domingo 9: Orientation (Jo-der, comentarios en Sempre Freaks-LOST)

Monday finds you like a bomb
That’s been left ticking there too long
You’re bleeding
Some days there’s nothing left to learn
From the point of no return
You’re leaving

Hey hey I saved the world today
Everybody’s happy now
The bad things gone away
And everybody’s happy now
The good thing’s here to stay
Please let it stay
Sábado 8: Sonimag de resaca i Sopar Ca Irene

Viernes 7: Café Arsis Private Sesion Los Xavales + Free Terrazza con Vueling + Souvenir para los que aguantan!!

Juves 6: "Amistoso" previo a la LUFS (link ya disponible aqui) - 1 Casco
Andrés Alkorta
Pablo García
Edgar Davids
Toni Velamazán
Javi (el tapado)

Miercoles 5: Decorando Café Arsis... Y unas birras!

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