My Room

Watching absurd videos, the one of the castle, my favourite.

Marcin gettin' red...

My Team 4 of Section 3...

We Win the Team Challenge!

Playing Football...

And eating at room after the match

Rafita, Iñigo and Emmanuelle, planning the night

Javi and Alejandro, after dinner

Getting some Ice...

We buy some drinks, and the security girl came
And we went to the Games Room...

The Karaoke night has a special star singin': "I want to fuuuuck youuu"

Alejandro, David, Javi and me, going to the cadillac on tuesday: The Country Night

Drinking in the room, and being late to take the bus to the Cadillac Range

Some Party...


The Faculty...

And the day after...

How do the medics do in USA?